Automated Integration of Multimodal MRI for the Probabilistic Detection of the Central Vein Sign in White Matter Lesions

Brain scan with lesions in different colors

The central vein sign is a promising MR imaging diagnostic biomarker for multiple sclerosis. Recent studies have demonstrated that patients with MS have higher proportions of white matter lesions with the central vein sign compared with those with diseases that mimic MS on MR imaging. However, the clinical application of the central vein sign as a biomarker is limited by interrater differences in the adjudication of the central vein sign as well as the time burden required for the determination of the central vein sign for each lesion in a patient's full MR imaging scan. In this study, we present an automated technique for the detection of the central vein sign in white matter lesions. Dworkin et al. (2018)


The Penn Statistics in Imaging and Visualization Endeavor (PennSIVE) consists of a group of statisticians studying etiology and clinical practice through medical imaging. 


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