Discussion on the Evaluation of Mobile Health Interventions

Moving Toward Rigorous Evaluation of Mobile Health Interventions

Kristin A. Linn

Qian, Klasnja and Murphy provide an assumption that allows for unbiased estimation of treatment effects in microrandomized trials when the data are modeled using linear mixed models with endogenous covariates. In this discussion, the validity of the assumption in the context of the HeartSteps microrandomized trial is reassessed. The utility of a marginal interpretation, versus the proposed conditional-on-the-random-effect interpretation, is also discussed.


The Center for Causal Inference (CCI) is a research center that is operating under a partnership between Penn’s Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB), the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Rutgers School of Public Health, and Penn’s Wharton School. The mission of the CCI is to be a leading center for research and training in the development and application of causal inference theory and methods.


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